I Love Me, I Love Me Not


BY Dove

Do you remember when you were a kid, and you would find a wild daisy growing on the side of your path. You would pick it and then pull the leaves off one by one to determine if your current love interest felt the same as you. We were always excited when it came out “He or she loves me.” We didn’t really know if it was true, but for a brief moment in time, it was. Our frequency raised to one of hope, and we walked with just a bit lighter step.

We are in a time when it is most important to become aware of how you feel about yourself. Do you constantly compare yourself—physically, mentally, spiritually or emotionally—to others? If you are doing this, stop it right now. It does not serve you. Source, God, sees you as a perfect example of love because that is the frequency that source holds about us. When we can accept that energy as being who we are, we become capable of not only loving ourselves but loving others as well.

Can you imagine what the world would be like if we quit seeing ourselves as only human, limited by all the beliefs that have been forced upon us by different groups so that they feel more comfortable with who they are. After all, people are most comfortable with people who are like them. Therefore, if we all fit in the same box, there is nothing to be afraid of except mediocrity. Also, it requires little effort to stay comfortable in mediocrity; just stay dumbed down to the norm.

It is now time for us to get out of the box and become our total creative self, not just for us but for humanity as a whole. If we can get out of the box, we give permission for everyone else to climb out also. I don’t know about you, but I greatly resist being put in a category, even if it makes the people around me more comfortable. I don’t accept maintaining the status quo as a place I want to live. I want to expand all our truths until we can give up the idea of being merely human and embrace the divine gift we are.

Each of us can claim our divinity if we get out of the box that says we are only human and keep following all the examples of those around us. Yes, it takes courage, but if I love me, I want to create the best for me and everyone around me. Does that mean inventing new ways to think, new ways to heal, new ways to care for the planet? Absolutely. Now is the time to grow wings and become the most magnificent being you can be. This is what God, Source, sees in you.

Make your divinity your goal, not the accepted trapped version of humanity we have been programmed to believe exists. You must give up fear as a crutch and step beyond your current reality, but I guarantee you will not need a daisy to love yourself more. Stand up, love yourself more and expand to your greatest potential. It’s a new day. Blessings, Dove