Around Christmastime, I invested in one of those smart watches that gives you all kinds of interesting information about yourself. I was curious to see how many steps I took each day and numerous other stats about my physical body. It has been a most informative experience, some good, some bad. It does put your focus on items you don’t really need to track every day; once a week would be great and you can become addicted to all the information even if it is not completely accurate.

Yesterday I received a new message from my smart watch that, in the eight months I have been wearing it, I had never received. I had just finished doing a memory meditation exercise for seventeen minutes and I put the headphones aside and was going up to bed when my “Smart Watch” pops up with the message, “Well Done.” I am not sure what the message was referring to but, wow, now the electronics are praising my efforts!

Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had such a cheering squad that praised us for all the wonderful things we think, do and share. Maybe someone can invent a device that makes you feel good about yourself. Constant positive statements to keep you going.  They would, of course, have to be sincere, but it would bring your focus to the uplifting aspects of who you are. Nature just does its thing. It does not stop to question, Is this the time for trees to put on leaves? What if I put on too many leaves, or I put them on in a non-symmetrical arrangement. Would it matter?  I think not because I think nature is always in tune with its identity. It never tries to be something it is not. Nature embraces all of who and what it is without judgment.

If we practice accepting ourselves as nature, the trees, flowers and bees do, how blessed with joy we could become. A flower never says it should be a different color. I have lots of white yarrow that automatically comes up in my yard and garden but now some bright pink ones have popped up also. I don’t know how the pink ones got there but they are beautiful and so are we. Just as we are. We have done a job “Well Done” by experiencing the journey of being human. It takes great courage, but we are magnificent because, of all life forms, we have the greatest ability to feel. If we focus on love for all, we change the world.

Forget politics, embrace the love, and the politics will reflect who we are. Take a chance to just be love. I double dog dare you. Blessings, Dove