Losing Our Way



I was visiting with a professional friend this last week who used to work for a large pharmaceutical company. When he worked for them, their training was extensive and they always passed the FDA exams. After he left, he said that their ratings went down; they no longer passed inspections with flying colors. I asked him why he thought that was and his response was, “They lost their way.” They became more interested in profits than helping humanity and doing the right thing.

There is a large airplane manufacturer that has also lost its way. Training and safety are not as important as profits. How many institutions of business exist now that have lost their way for profit and no longer hold that service to humanity and the planet are important.

It is too easy to lose your way when you put money, material possessions and competition above the greatest good. When the greatest good is the goal, the money and all else will follow because the energy is one of a higher vibration. When you hold the higher frequency, that which is yours is given unto you. I have watched this time and again in my own life. When I hold myself in a place of service and trust, all that I need, and more, is placed in my path. Many times so much more is given that I didn’t even know was on my list.

I love watching the magic of source provide the abundance of all things. My only job is to hold the vibration of being of assistance to the planet. I can’t and won’t be able to solve or fix anyone’s problems except my own. The more joy I incorporate into my life, the more I have to give.

Losing our way becomes too easy when we lose sight of being of service and living in joy. Our focus then becomes that of what is going on around us in the world, instead of putting our focus on love, caring, laughter and joy. When you get up each morning, decide to find something to be joyful about, embrace nature. Find one small thing that you can touch that brings you a high frequency. Personally, I have a stuffed blue-footed booby that always makes me laugh. I also sometimes have strawberry pie for breakfast. Know yourself well enough to have at your fingertips things that raise your vibration and your day will flow with joy and magic.

Here’s to blue-footed boobies and strawberry pie. Much love, Dove