Defining Moments



As I reflect back on this journey we call life, I am inspired to bring to consciousness those moments that brought me to who I am today.  What if they hadn’t happened or I had taken a different path, how would my life have changed?

I think the biggest effect on my life came from my father. When I was twenty, he gave me a set of five books called “The Lives and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East,” by Baird T. Spaulding. Now this was quite unusual for my father as he was not a religious man, nor did he pursue any kind of spiritual practice. He bought five sets of these books, gave them to family members and the minister of our church.  Where he came across these books and what led him to buy them is unknown in my life. But, read them I did. They were a journalistic account of Mr. Spaulding’s travels in Tibet. They told of masters who could literally transport themselves and others to the top of mountains in moments. Much of the information triggered the desire in me to learn how to become adept at the things I considered “magical” in nature. Printed messages could be sent by these beings to a destination a thousand miles away in twenty minutes without aid of any electronic devices. I seriously wanted to know how to do these things and much of my life has been spent exploring the possibilities of these truths.

I have always wanted to teleport and be telepathic, but as yet I have not accomplished the task. Telepathic, yes, but only sometimes. We never know what will influence our children and make a distinct impression on them and their lives will be changed forever. I look at my life and wonder what I did or did not do to be an example that affected my children positively or negatively. This Mother’s Day I was complimenting my daughter on what wonderful parents she and her husband are. She said, “You set the bar pretty high.” Everything we do or don’t do has consequences; even the littlest thing affects the environment, our relationships, or our emotional and physical wellbeing. There is a ripple effect that goes out and brings your energy back to you multiplied many times over. What if we all slowed things down a bit and projected our imagination forward to see what we are creating for our tomorrows. Is it truly what we want or is it just random energy usage? I think I shall try being a little bit more conscious of how I use my energy. Does it bring me joy and does it help the overall planet?  If I keep feeding what brings me joy, then I will create an energy for tomorrow that is filled with love and delightful creations.

Take a moment to contemplate the things in your life that set you on your path. Do they still serve you, or is it time for a new path? Life is your creation. Love it and yourself, for your tomorrows will reflect what you have done with your energy. Thoughts are things. Think wisely.

Blessings, Dove