Energy and Matter



Your energy matters. What you do with your energy matters. Much of what I will share with you comes from a gentleman, Raymon Grace, Blueprint for Freedom. There is no charge. You can check out his YouTube information if you want to go deeper into how energy works and how to clear it.

Our thoughts are energy. Our body is matter. Our thoughts affect our bodies. What you think is literally what you get. If you use the term “I’ll be damned,“ you have just asked to be damned. It really is necessary to understand how your thoughts, words and actions create your reality.

If you have a physical, mental or emotional issue, the thoughts you let occupy your mind direct what you are doing with your energy. If you constantly listen to propaganda and rehash all the negative aspects going on, you have just energized the situations to continue in your life. Becoming conscious of what you are doing with your energy (thoughts) dictates the level of pleasure, health and prosperity in your existence.

Again, everything comes back to the frequency you reside in. If you keep joy, love, gratitude and being of service as a daily thought process, your life becomes enriched with goodness. You can’t be of service with an agenda in your heart; your service must be free of attachments. Give freely of what you have, and you will have abundance. Smile at the stranger on the street and you will feel acceptance. Greet animals with joy. I truly do think animals are messengers from God. Talk to nature and listen; it will talk back.

You will find you are always in the right place at the right time when you allow your thoughts to be joyful. Monitor what goes on with your brain. Do you constantly replay old hurts or angers? Stop!!! You are just keeping the negative experience in your space. Ask yourself, What would I do or feel if I had (______) — whatever you would like to correct, relationships, health, finances. You have the ability to change everything if you become conscious of what you are doing with your energy. Remember, where your focus goes, energy flows.

You are not a victim of anything unless you embrace a victim mentality. Dig deep for your courage and stand up for what is right for you. Do not give your power away to anyone or any institution. God made you sovereign but that has been taken from us by various power-hungry organizations we have allowed to control us, usually unconsciously. Freedom comes from within. Now is definitely time to take yours.

Be aware, change your frequency and love your sovereignty. You are the captain of your ship and it takes courage. I trust you will rise to the level of loving yourself enough to be true to who you are. Blessing in becoming. Dove