2023 Sun Valley Writers’ Conference Passes on Sale


Passes for the 2023 Sun Valley Writers’ Conference will be available starting at 10am (Mountain Time) on February 16. They will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis directly from the SVWC website (svwc.com/attend). As in years past, passes will sell out quickly—even within minutes—so be sure to mark your calendars!

This year, two passes will be offered—a Full Conference Pass ($1,100) and a half-price Next Generation Pass for those age 35 and under ($550). Both passes provide access to all the wonder of the Sun Valley Writers’ Conference throughout the three-day event—all Pavilion talks, intimate breakout sessions, book signings, Q & As, breakfasts and lunches, and a closing reception on the stunning Sun Valley Pavilion lawn.

If passes sell out, sign-ups for a waiting list will open and those on the list will be notified in the order submissions are received in case any additional passes become available. There will also be the opportunity to purchase single event tickets ($35 each), livestream for free, or attend the free Pavilion lawn talks—all for select talks only. Schedule and talks are still to be determined and will be announced closer to the Conference dates. The free Community Speaker Series, in partnership with The Community Library, will also be happening again this July, with more details to be released soon.

The Sun Valley Writers’ Conference is pleased to offer the half-price Next Generation Pass again for 2023. This $550 pass is available for those age 35 and under, inspiring the “next generation” to become lifelong SVWC supporters.

This pass allows the Wood River Valley’s youth to experience all the wonder of the Sun Valley Writers’ Conference throughout the three-day event at half the price. There is a limited supply, so it is recommended not to wait to purchase.

   For several days each summer at the Sun Valley Resort, some of the country’s—and the world’s—best writers and thinkers, including fiction and nonfiction writers, journalists, playwrights, poets, and filmmakers, talk about their work and the world at the Sun Valley Writers’ Conference. The event’s past presenters have included Pulitzer Prize winners, National Book Award winners, and winners of the elite Mann Booker Prize given in Great Britain. Together, writers and readers freely exchange ideas, concerns, hopes, and aspirations.

   The audience enjoys talks presented in the stunning outdoor Sun Valley Pavilion and smaller, more intimate sessions with favorite speakers, as well as musical performances and films. The Sun Valley Writers’ Conference is a nonprofit organization. For more information, please visit svwc.com. Photographs are available upon request.