Common Sense vs. Current Agenda



It seems to me that common sense in our current political environment has gone on vacation for a very long time. There is no accountability for the actions being taken by any of our governing bodies. This disturbs me because a lack of leadership leads to chaos and confusion and that results in a lack of any intelligent decision-making happening. For example, the powers that be have declared the Green New Deal to be that acceptable course of action, but is that possible or practical? One of the big wind turbines costs more in “fossil fuel” to build than it will ever create. In other words, it never pays for itself, to say nothing of the damage done to the environment around one of these behemoths. The ground beneath the windmill is dried and made unusable. The noise pollution is considerable for anything in its range, to say nothing of the problem with disposing of the giant blades. They cannot be recycled, so they just pile up.

Has this led us to more power? No, just used resources to create something that never pays for itself. Now ask yourself, is there really global warming? What is the scientific proof that it exists? Name one! If so, the oceans were to have risen by now to take out all the coastal cities, but the truth is that the ocean levels have not even risen a centimeter. Where is the truth in global warning other that it is a narrative that Al Gore projected on the populous. A lot of money has been made by touting the fear of global warming. The information I have read says that “fossil fuel” continually replaces itself and that we have a very large supple of fossil fuel. Does it make sense to close down a pipeline that delivers fuel efficiently and instead use rail and trucks to deliver the fuel at huge increase in cost for the average person? Now we are begging foreign entities for oil. Does this make sense when there are better solutions?

I am tired of supporting an agenda that is not based in truth but based in greed. We would be better served to stand up and say no to the stupidity rather that stick our heads in the sand and hope it goes away. We need to make it go away. I want truth and practicality instead of some pie-in-the-sky solution that does not work. Do you know it takes 500,000 pounds of ore to create the minerals for the battery for one electric car? How kind is that to Mother Earth? Let alone account for the fuel for the large earthmovers to dig the ore. Where is all the electricity supposed to come from for all the electric cars? It is a lovely thought that all you have to do is plug your car in, but that is only if you are going 300 miles and have several hours to recharge.  And just as an aside, electricity is not free. You can’t just isolate one piece of the energy puzzle. All components that go to create an electric car must be considered as to the overall effect on the planet. Pollution is not the issue. I have seen devices that will clear the smog around Denver in about three hours but the government was not interested is this small device. I saw an electric car being charged by a diesel generator. Please give me a break—what has been accomplished? Hydropower is also not the solution. Wind and solar only provide 8% oi our power. Where is the rest going to come from but fossil fuels?

We need to look deeper for answers to the problem. I read an article yesterday that stated one of our nuclear ships can go for 20 years without refueling. I know there are already answers out there that are being hidden for the sake of greed. No more, enough is enough. Demand truth. Please!!! Dove