Beautiful autumn landscape with yellow trees and waterfall


Where our focus goes, energy flows. As I observe the continued separation of humanity, it makes my heart hurt that we as a species can allow our common kindness to each other to be forgotten. How can we let gender, sexuality, masking or vaxxing, race, religion or abortion draw lines in the sand about who we are comfortable with?

The media seems to relish the goal of separation. In September of 1959, Nikita Khrushchev stated, “Your children’s children will live under communism. You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright; but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have communism. We will not have to fight you; we will so weaken your economy that you will fall like overripe fruit into our hands.  Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”

This is where we find ourselves right now. What are we going to do about it—just let it happen because we are afraid of offending someone? United we stand, divided we will surely fall. So, I look for things that we can come together on, beliefs that we know we can be united with. The place I want to focus my energy on is an abundance of water—not enough to cause flooding problems, but enough to keep the reservoirs full, the streams running merrily and the rivers just right for fishing. Currently, Trail Creek is barely a trickle. In the 33 years I have lived here, I have never seen it this dry. The stream by my house dried up in June; most of the years it had water all year long. So, if energy flows where our focus goes, let us all feel the joy of abundant, clear pure water. Feel the joy of a perfectly cool drink of pure water.

When I was in college at Moscow, the water was so terrible you had to hold your nose to drink it. And, if you washed white clothes with bleach, they would all come out with black flecks of ferric chloride. We are so blessed to have pure water. Let us cherish it. Let’s not take our water for granted!

If enough of us focus on the blessings of pure water, we can energize its presence. If we can come together on water, which we can, we can come together on all those things that separate us. Choose to think for yourself, find your truth, but don’t impose it on others. We all have a mission on this planet.  Bless and honor each of us with our own truth. Now is the time to think critically about what you want for a county, a state and a nation. I choose freedom, I choose truth, which is so hard to find, but I will continue to search.

You have to dig deep within to find your truth, but if not now, when? Join me in the search; not propaganda with an agenda, but pure unvarnished truth.  Then we can move forward.

Blessings, Dove