Mask Mandates Hit (Most Of) Valley

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With the exception of Bellevue, all Valley jurisdictions that have reintroduced mask mandate measures in recent days have reinstated those rules aimed at mitigating COVID-19. Sun Valley, Ketchum, Hailey and Blaine County have all reintroduced emergency health orders. For the most part, the orders list a number of exemptions for young children, law enforcement, those with hearing impairments, and—so long as they are socially distanced—anyone eating, drinking or exercising inside.

The measures took center stage in recent days after an uptick in COVID-19 cases statewide has triggered medical care rationing in Idaho. Health officials say the uptick is largely due to the so-called delta variant—an even more highly contagious form of the novel coronavirus—and the number of people eligible for vaccination that remain unvaccinated.