Truth Or Dare?



At this point in our existence, we are inundated with a constant flow of information. To our knowledge, we have no idea of the truth of the information being put out or the agenda pursued by the parties putting out the information. So many things sound true and could be true according to your own perspective, but many things are taken out of context or not complete and used to emphasize a certain agenda.

How do we know what is really true and how will it affect us and our families? I think we basically all want the same things for humanity—love, health, abundance, laughter, shelter, happiness, purpose, safety, and a life filled with adventure, magic, education and growth.

Do we think we are entitled to all of the above and where does it come from? Do we believe it is the government’s duty to provide these things for us? Or, do you come to realize that to achieve the life you want requires effort on your part? If everything is provided for us, what is our purpose? There is no motivation to become more than what already exists.

I think we are at a crossroads in existence in which we get to choose where our truth and fulfillment exists. For me, I have come to know that my joy for life comes from experiencing nature and creativity in all realms. Be it cooking, sewing, gardening, writing, or biking in nature, I find my heart soars and I truly am in joy. If I take an afternoon and watch what is going on in the world on TV, I find I become confused and doubtful of what I feel as truth.

We used to believe that if it was in the news because it was printed, it had to be true.  Otherwise, you could be sued. We no longer have any such assurances that anything you hear or read is true. There are those out there whose whole agenda is to manipulate and confuse. Keep the masses asleep. Let us tell you what is good for you.

I can guarantee you that only you can determine what is good for you. Your truth can only come from inside you.

I know I have been checking lately with my heart space to see how I am doing and my heart space is very light and happy. I listen to the news and it makes my head believe that there is no one truth that is not manipulated for someone else’s agenda. So, again, I caution you: Put your focus on the space your physical heart occupies and see what is there.

Where your focus goes, energy flows. Don’t embrace the doubt of the mind. It will always be there. Your truth lies in your heart. Talk and listen to yourself. It will be one of the best conversations you ever have. Wake up to yourself and let the rest go.

Much love, Dove