Voting By Mail Is Easier than Ever


By Blaine County Democrats

Request your absentee ballot online today and vote by mail for the May 19 Idaho Primary Election!

Helpful and necessary tips and  things you need to make the request online:

  • You will need a valid Idaho-issued state ID (ID Driver’s License or ID card)
  • You will also need the last 4 digits of your social security number
  • Use Google Chrome, as requested by the site
  • Make the request during non-peak hours, as the site is experiencing high traffic during business hours.
  • You must make your request by Friday, May 8 at 5 pm (same date if you use a paper form).

If you make your request today, be patient. Ballots start going out in the mail on April 7.

Voting by mail protects all of us by allowing us to stay at home AND make our choice in the election.