Protecting this rock

By Eric Valentine

WRHS senior Kate Stone. Photo credit: Adelaide Smithmason

We all have to live on this third rock from the Sun, and it’s something Kate Stone isn’t ready to throw away. The lifelong Valley resident is clear on what she wants to change most about our world.

“I would change how badly humans are impacting the earth because before long there won’t be a planet to save. I think that people aren’t realizing that the problem of climate change is an immediate problem that needs attention now before it is too late,” said Stone. “I believe that most people don’t see the bigger picture of things or how their actions affect others and that this mindset is the root of most problems that are happening today.”

Step one for Stone will be attending Western Washington University in Bellingham where she’ll study biology.

From there, her vision for her future isn’t written in stone.

“I just want to be happy with my choices when I am older and I am going to do whatever it takes to be able to be content with my life,” Stone said. “I hope to find a career that keeps me motivated to get out of bed in the morning and that I am excited to go to every day.”

Stone also hopes to travel this planet she loves. But she’s aware there will be things she’s going to miss about life in the Wood River Valley.

“I love how athletic and adventurous the locals here are and I will miss the countless, amazing hikes that have given me so much joy. I will also miss the mountains and how beautiful it is here,” Stone observed.

Stone is the daughter of school board trustee Lara Stone, who moved here from Seattle to enjoy the skiing opportunities. Her father is a lifelong Valley resident and the owner of Sun Valley Auto Club in Hailey. She has an older sister attending the University of Southern California.

A senior at Wood River High School, Stone is currently taking A.P. Biology, A.P. Psychology, A.P. Statistics, astronomy, government, and college English. She has a 4.125 GPA. But her accomplishments don’t start and stop in the classroom.

“I have been playing soccer since fourth grade and I was captain of the girls’ varsity soccer team this past season as well as the lead goal scorer. I love the team and the competitive, contact side of the sport,” Stone said. “I also run track and was captain of the sprinting team last season. I run the 100-meter and triple jump. I went to state sophomore year for the triple jump.”

Stone is also part of the Key Club service organization at WRHS and a member of National Honor Society.

“I do community service whenever I can,” Stone said.