Fishing Report

Hwy 20 in Picabo

Silver Creek has been fantastic this November. We have been seeing a pretty consistent hatch of Baetis around 1 p.m., although we expect that will change with the colder temps arriving. The hatch has been short, but the fish have been eating recklessly when it does happen.

There has also been a good number of fish eating Midges in the evenings. Try targeting these fish with an Emerger or Pupa pattern, as the fish are most times eating below the surface.

Streamers are also really starting to move fish. Try fishing a Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow or Leech pattern in some of the deeper water.

The fish are still spawning, but there seems to be less fish by the day on redds. Still, remember to leave spawning fish alone and watch for cleaned gravel when wading.

The Big Wood has been great in the afternoons. The mornings have been tougher, but streamers or nymphs fished deep in slower pools could find you a few fish. Once the water warms up a bit in the afternoon, one can expect to see plenty of Midges and even a few Baetis around.

Spend time fishing the slower, deeper water, as the fish are not up in the fast riffles anymore. Nymphing with a large Stonefly pattern and a small Midge or Baetis nymph can produce great results. Streamers are also really starting to produce. If nothing else is going on, try swinging a small sculpin pattern.

The Lower Lost is low and clear right now. The fish are a little spooky with the low flows, but one can still find some fantastic fishing. The surface activity is starting to wane, but the nymphing and streamer fishing has been really good. Try nymphing a crane fly pattern and a small Baetis or Midge pattern under an indicator in the deeper pools.

The South Fork of the Boise River has been great! The surface activity has been awesome, with Baetis and Midges accounting for most of the bugs, with some Mahoganys and Caddis still mixed in.

With this being such an awesome fall/winter fishery that is so close to Boise, it is obviously going to see pressure. With it being so crowded, remember to be courteous to your fellow angler and give them some space when choosing your spot to fish. There’s plenty of fish and water to go around!