The heat of summer took its sweet time getting here, and now that it has arrived, be ready for rapidly changing conditions. Currently, fish are being found and caught all over the place.
The best fishing on the freestone streams has been closer to the headwaters. The tailwater fisheries are fishing, with the annual hatches coming on slowly. With the heat coming, we expect the rivers to rise a little once again. Our local spring-fed stream, Silver Creek continues to fish day by day and even hour by hour for the best fishing.
If you plan to fish the freestone streams this week, continue to look in the upper reaches for the best and clearest water. With the warmth this week, even these areas may go off-color again. It’s worth a look, but be safe.
We continue to stay in a position where we need tight wader belts, dogs need to stay home, and we need to fish with a friend. If you find fishable water, try Royal Stimulators, Orange Stimulators, Yellow Turks Tarantulas and Bead Head Prince Nymphs.
Silver Creek continues to fish day by day, but with the heat coming on, expect a lot more consistency. The Trico spinner fall should be the next best hatch we see this summer.
Make sure if you fish in the morning later this week, and this weekend, that you have Tricos in your box. In the afternoons, the Baby Hopper and Damselfly bite is really picking up. Be sure you give these a try if nothing else is happening. Callibaetis and Baetis are also in play off and on all day.
If you want to get to the South Fork of the Boise, be sure to take your Salmon Flies, your Cicadas, your Caddis and your Pink Alberts. The flows are still driftboat levels, so take your boat—or bribe your friends to take you in theirs!
The Salmon River is fishing really well and is at a great level for boating. The Green Drakes, Salmon Flies and Stoneflies are all hatching. The cutthroat have filled the system and are more than eager to eat flies right now.
Finally, please stay safe out there. We know everyone is super-eager to get out and fish new waters, different runs and dropping rivers, but please do it with caution. There are no fish worth any risk… just stay on the move until you find the right situation.
Happy fishing, everyone!