We are all constantly being bombarded with the energy of fear-based programming and it truly affects our frequency and energy. The energy of fear promotion is intense and we get to decide, are we going to participate or are we going to choose a different pathway? This is a hard question because what if some of the fear projected at us is really happening? Are we prepared to deal with complete change in many aspects of our lives or do we embrace the reality that where our focus goes energy flows. I refuse to live with fear-based programming in my life. The only thing that fear begets me is more fear and that makes life miserable. I have come to trust that I will be guided in all things physical, financial, mental and spiritual because that is the belief system that keeps me at peace.
Take time to examine if you are living from a fear-based reality, or do you choose a peace-based reality? When enough of us choose to live in a peace-based reality, that is what we will create. We can’t control those who choose to project fear upon us, but we can realize that love and peace are way higher vibrations than fear-based energies. In other words, “God” source wins but we must be dominant for that to occur. It only takes one-tenth of one percent of the population on Earth to defeat fear. They have done a lot of computer experiments to arrive at this number. That’s about 800,000 individuals living from love.
The Earth is currently receiving lots of high-frequency energy from the sun at this point in time. It is called the Schuman Resonance. Check it out. It is our job to receive this energy and move ourselves to that higher frequency. We can do this. Take responsibility for your thoughts, and that can be hard, especially when you have emotions attached to them. Find the source of the emotion and resolve it. The emotion may not even be yours but energy you have picked up from all that is around you. Above all, know who you are and choose the highest vibration you can achieve.
It is so easy to get sucked into other people’s drama. Don’t do it. It does not serve. Don’t get sucked into the political drama that we are exposed to hourly. Choose to eliminate fear-based programming from your life and you will be filled with the freedom of spirit. Walk in love, as the planet is moving in that direction. Employ common sense as your guide and stay in the present. Hard to do and easy to say. I am working at it.
Many of us, thousands of us, joined together in prayer to affect the weather situation being heaped on us. It helped with Milton. United we can conquer the greatest challenges. Do it now, pray for truth, integrity and peace. Blessings, Dove

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