Home Commentary BEYOND HOPE




My brother lives in a little wide spot in the road in northern Idaho called Hope. People in northern Idaho have a pretty well-developed sense of humor and so, in the next little wide spot past Hope, the people have named their little hamlet Beyond Hope.

Have you ever wondered what came after HOPE? BEYOND HOPE sounds like a bad place to be, as if you were hopeless. But what if it was the opposite? What if BEYOND HOPE was the epitome of happiness, the arrival of enlightenment, a place where we all knew that we were of GOD also, not victims of some source that we never knew how to please, constantly struggling to figure out the desired behavior. I don’t know about you, but I am really tired of struggle and I am ready to feel and be the love that I know we all can be.

In my heart, I know that I can master the love of life. I don’t doubt for a moment that this place of bliss exists, and I am going on a journey to find the formula to create bliss in my life on all levels. Constant, delightful adventure is the goal. Sometimes that means staying in bed all day, reading a really good book. It could be as simple as walking my dogs in the aftermath of a beautiful snowfall, or it could mean being able to transport my body from place to place just by having the thought and desire to be someplace else at that moment in time. This life of bliss will be filled with laughter from the heart, music, dancing, really good friends, and excellent food. I will also have the ability to bring laughter to all others at the drop of an amusing anecdote.

It is easy to dream of having a life BEYOND HOPE. Indeed, that is where the journey must start, with a dream, the thought, the intention of making my life better than it is. But how do I change it, make my dream a reality, make it manifest in this everyday world of pain, fear and stress? There are as many paths to creating the reality I want as there are people on the planet, and not one path is more valid than any other. It is simply a choice of what works best for me. I don’t have to follow a religious practice of any kind to achieve this epitome of happiness. I don’t even have to be disciplined or follow a program. What I do have to do is believe that I can create. I must take charge of my life and accept responsibility for all that it is. I have been a magnificent creator of many things, some of them rewarding for the soul, others very painful and limiting.

Lethargy and depression are rampant in our environment and I ask myself why is this, and why didn’t it exist in past generations. Or did it, and we were not aware of it. Is it the food we eat, the news we listen to, the extreme changes we have gone through in the last months? Is it all of this? In past generations, we were not incessantly inundated with the woes of the world—we were just constantly busy trying to survive. So, I ask myself the question: have we progressed, are we better off than we were? Maybe, because now instead of striving to keep body and soul together, we have to discover what body and soul are all about. Are we ready for the next step?

I take in energy from source, which is NEUTRAL. Source to me is God, Jesus, Buddha, Mohamed, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, the Great White Father, the Sun, all of Nature. The label is not important, but the energy is pure and without charge. Then I get to choose what I am going to create with this energy. Do I contribute to the fear and pain on the planet by buying in to all the media and said reality? Or do I choose to use the energy for an original creation, like writing, sewing, planting a garden? Is my intentional use of energy for the highest good, or do I use it unconsciously and create more of the same old thing? If I feel trapped and powerless, I stay stuck in the same energy field, but I am at choice to be conscious and proactive in my approach to energy usage. I can create love instead of fear; give hope instead of more of the same pain; use fewer resources, keeping only that which I truly enjoy and desire.

There is enough money on the planet for every person to have abundance; all that is lacking is a balanced flow of energy. I must balance and be responsible for my flow of energy first. How can I be separate from anything, any being, any resource, when I am connected to this big ball of energy called EARTH. There should be a class taught in school, “What you think is what you get.” Better yet, “What you believe and feel with PASSION is what you get faster.”

The first step to BEYOND HOPE is figuring out how I am using my energy and what the payback for all this energy usage has been. Once I recognize that everything in my life has truly served me in some way and bless all the awareness it has given me, then I have the option to create something new by changing the way I think about myself. Nothing in my life can change so long as I continue to follow the same old path. I can only create more of the same. Stagnation to me would be the worst life in the world. So awareness is the key to creating what I want. Understanding the place from which I have been creating is the road to change.

Life is magic and I want to learn to live it from that perspective. So on this day, I declare that this is my purpose for this year and the ones to come. To live BEYOND HOPE, my life will be miraculous moments joined together to form my reality. My body will reflect the state of joy I exist in daily. This is my vow! 

Life is a gift. The purpose is joy. Find yours.

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