


Wow!! Such rapid change in our world in just a few short days! That brings us to the question of what are you going to do with your energy? You can worry, go into fear, ignore the situation and proceed as normal, or take advantage of the opportunity to grow from this change.

I could get pissed because I can’t buy toilet paper. I have tried, with no luck. None at Costco or Atkinsons’ or Chateau. Or I can see if I can just go with what I have. In the olden days, the Sears catalog was placed in the outhouse as a means of wiping your behind but, alas, the Sears catalog is now online, and not an option for this most delicate of chores.

Someone suggested The New York Times as a substitute but I know that would clog up the plumbing, so I am left on my own. I could quit eating and then maybe my waistline would decline, only using a little bit of the precious toilet paper, one square at a time. These ideas seem a little extreme. Maybe I should have a dinner party with masks, then I won’t have to cook, just a smoothie and a straw would be the tool. Ask everyone to bring a roll of toilet paper as the hostess gift and then my supply would be cool. I would be the hostess with the ‘mostess’ of the precious commodity.

You know all those unmatched socks that you have not thrown away? What an opportunity to put them to good use! Wipe your butt and then throw them away, or wash them and reuse them, as the case may be. Your butt will be clean and free from muse. Your unmatched socks will be repurposed and maybe you will find a pair you didn’t know was still there. Just put a bucket of bleach water by the stool and wash the old socks out as the new rule. Adult diapers are still on the shelf; I could try that and see if I liked the result.

I suggest you just relax, and find humor in all that exists. It will raise your immune system and keep you well. Love one another in all that you do. That’s all that really matters. Give up the greed—leave some stuff on the shelf. Necessity is the mother of invention. We are amazing beings. Embrace your creativity and love the moment.

Life is a gift. The purpose is joy. Find yours.

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