I’d like to thank the two Blaine County School District trustees who recently hosted Community Conversations. I attended the one at Hemingway on June 2, and found the casual format conducive to asking questions and discussing issues with the trustee, administrators, and other participants. I was interested in hearing different perspectives, and appreciated the attendance by residents across zones.

The past few weeks, most teachers, administrators, trustees, and parents I’ve spoken with have only been willing to talk about the district “off the record,” even though I’m just a parent trying to understand better how to support our schools. I’m very concerned that each of them was reluctant to speak up for fear of some kind of reprisal.

Only minutes into Thursday’s Conversation, I began to understand why. The palpably hostile environment dismayed me. Attendees were jabbing fingers, using derisive tones, and couching questions in accusations. Several shushed me when I asked for more information. One accused me of signing the trustee recall petition, rather than asking why I did. I found it difficult to hear what attendees were saying, because their rudeness overwhelmed their point.

Nonetheless, there were moments that made the meeting worthwhile: when people listened to one another and asked thoughtful questions; when they thanked our trustee for his time and the opportunity to talk. Best of all was the long, courteous discussion I had afterwards sharing concerns and experiences with a few attendees after being at odds earlier.

We all have the same goal: to provide a quality education for our students. Our school district and community are deep resources of knowledge, experience and ideas. Granted, every idea can’t be implemented and compromises must be made, but we will be most successful if everyone has a voice.

The public elects the board of trustees to oversee the administration, which oversees the teachers and district staff. I challenge the public to set an example from the top: encourage everyone to participate in the discussion by treating them with courtesy and respect.

Encourage ongoing rational, respectful, and constructive conversations by emailing the BCSD Board of Trustees at AmandaLaChance@blaineschools.org. Join the conversation. Your voice matters.

Lara Stone

Blaine County resident